The Church
We're going to be married at St. Alban's
Church in Washington, DC. Nick and I are both sad to announce that Rev. J. Carlyle Gill will not be our celebrant for our wedding. She has an unavoidable scheduling conflict. However, we're not up a creek! Rev. Dr. Francis Wade (a.k.a. "Frank") has graciously stepped up to the plate and agreed to be our celebrant. We meet with him to discuss the ceremony details and such on June 29, 2000. I had the pleasure of crashing a wedding he celebrated back in May, and it was a wonderful, joyous affair. We're looking forward to getting to know Frank better in the upcoming months. We are not re-doing our pre-Cana-esque pre-marital counseling, which we're a bit unsure about. We really grew close to Carlyle during the counseling sessions.
The CeremonyWe're starting to look for readings for the ceremony. Current leanings include passages from Sirach or Song of Songs for the Old Testament reading, Colossians 3:12-17 for the New Testament, and maybe the Beatitudes for the Gospel.Full text of some passages in consideration are available here. Full text of some near misses are coming soon... We picked up a copy of the Book of Common Prayer, and if anyone wants to know what our vows are going to be like, how things will flow, etc., I suggest ya take a peek at the BoCP -- or, if you want to check it out online, try it here:, but know that you'll have to keep 'turning' pages.
The MusicThis is the vast undecided. We're both music freaks. There might be trumpets. There's a great organ at St. Alban's. Everyone I know sings. I know that I want to process down the aisle to Rachmaninoff's 18th Variation on a Theme by Paganini. There are, quite literally, too many choices. We'll see, and as we make decisions, we'll post 'em here.Our friend Jonathan McDonald has graciously offered to be our organist! And groomsman and good friend Bill Dick -- a trumpet performance master's candidate -- has graciously offered to add some festive trumpet music to our ceremony! So, though we don't have precise pieces picked out yet, our wedding will be filled with wonderful music. |
Write to the happy couple!
Nick Stengel and Wendy Green.