The Wedding Party
Standing Up for Nick
Chris Stengel
- Best Man and Brother. According to comedian
P.J. O'Rourke, the best man should be the groom's
friend who has the least morals and/or best booze. Aghast, I
have gone the other direction in choosing my brother
Chris is an angel. He calls our mother every day, attends
church at least twice a week, and gives large
annonymous gifts to charity. He attended Carnegie Mellon University
where he earned an MBA so he can make the world a better place.
In his spare time, my brother rescues small birds and squirrels
hurt by a callous uncaring world and nurses them back to health.
Bill Dick
is a friend from High School days when the two bonded over
the indignity of wearing tights while playing trumpet fanfares at a
Renaissance Dinner. He must have liked them, it seems, and is
now a candidate at DePaul University for a Master's Degree in
Trumpet Performance :)
Bill enjoys paintball, long romantic
walks, and the haunting melodies of Zamfier. He is best known, though, not for his excellent music
but for fitting 13 people into a Volkswagon Rabbit and his penchant for
attempting to date sisters. He is a Taurus.
Jen Grayson
is a friend from Nick's first post-college job as a
left-wing lobbyist for OMB Watch. Nick and Jen
shared a huge office (with orange walls) together for over a year and were reminded on
numerous occasions that it wasn't to be treated like a dorm room.
The pair were
also a scorching pitcher-catcher combination on the softball circuit.
A Master of Public Policy graduate from Georgetown University,
she is known for her skills in Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon and an enourmous
PEZ collection.
Dan Kattman
is a member of the wedding party because of
all the dirt he has on Nick's past. Naturally, this blackmail
artist is in law school at Marquette University.
Dan and Nick
have been friends since grade school and were debate partners
through high school, culminating in a trip to the
National Championships. On the debate circuit, the pair got quite a
reputation for obnoxious antics. In fact, Dan met his future wife
Angela on a debate related bet made with Nick. Dan is also an
independent film maker.
Standing Up for Wendy
Kelly Colleen Catherine Green Redwine
is Wendy's only sister, and did a generous thing by
marrying Bob and thereby granting Wendy a brother. It only seemed
sensible to return the favor. Kelly is the Matron of Honor for our little
shindig. She works for the
Oregon Public Employees Retirement System, in Portland, Oregon. Kelly
is currently becoming obsessed with her newest hobby: scrapbooking.
We're concerned that it might be a hereditary thing. When not working or
scrapbooking (that is a verb, isn't it?), Kelly loves reading,
singing, and being tormented by the family cats, Max and Yttik (that's "kitty" spelled backwards).
Heather Brie Hamilton
is a great friend of both Nick and Wendy,
since she temped at Science with Wendy and then moved to fighting the
good fight at OMB Watch with Nick and the other merry Watchers. Heather just got back
from interning with the UN in Nairobi. Her rendering of the
Macarena is now world-renowned, so she's sure to
be a hit at the reception. She is a graduate of Hood College,
and is just waiting for her Masters to come in the mail from American
University, and yes, that means she's not going through the commencement
ceremony. Heather also taught Wendy to appreciate a margarita or three.
Scott Richard Herren Millen
is Wendy's oldest and dearest friend
from Oregon. They met at the orientation for junior high, and immediately
hated each other. Then, over a game of badmitton in gym, they discovered
that they both like Teen Titans comic books, and everything sort of grew
after that. Scott is married to a lovely woman named Shelly, and they had their
first child last year!
Gabriel Scott Millen was born 22 July 1999, and weighed in at 6 lbs, 15 oz.
The whole famn damily lives in Holland, Michigan,
where Scott works for a
graphic design firm, Shelly is a teacher, and Gabe, well, Gabe is a baby.
Scott is not a bridesmaid...he's a bridal attendant, standing up for
Wendy. There will be no big pink bows on his behind.
Jeannette Marie Smith
is Wendy's oldest and dearest collegiate friend,
and the bridesmaid for the wedding. They met their very first day of
college, and for some reason, they both signed up for early-bird honors calculus...not exactly your normal
freshman fare, and quite painful as your first Monday class.
Jeannette is studying for her MA in History and Library Science at the University
of Maryland College park, and works
at the World Bank. She's an avid reader, and never turns up her nose
at a trashy romance novel sandwiched in between her weightier readings
for class.